SYMPOSIUM 20 Years GeoBio-CenterLMU – Past, Present, and Future
The GeoBio-CenterLMU looks back on a very successful 20 years, and belongs to one of the most successful and outstanding centers of LMU, which of course has to be celebrated properly. We therefore cordially invite you to participate in our celebration symposium "GeoBio-CenterLMU - Past, Present, and Future". Afterwards we would like to invite you for a social with food and drinks.
Time and Location
Time: Friday, October 21, 2022 starting at 15:00h (GeoBio-CenterLMU General Meeting starts at 13.00).
Location: in the lecture hall of the Botanical Institute, Menzinger Str. 67, Munich.
Registration: Admission is free, but we would like to ask you for a short confirmation of participation per email to until October 7.
Flyer: The flyer/poster for distribution can be found here.
13:00 – 14:30
GeoBio-CenterLMU General Meeting (members only)
— Welcome Coffee and light snacks —
SYMPOSIUM 20 Years “GeoBio-CenterLMU – Past, Present, and Future”
Welcoming notes
• Prof. Dr. Gert Wörheide (Speaker GeoBio-CenterLMU)
• Prof. Dr. Oliver Jahraus (Vice President for Teaching and Studies LMU)
• Prof. Dr. Joris Peters (General Director Bavarian Natural History Collections - SNSB)
• Prof. Dr. Dario Leister (Dean Faculty of Biology LMU)
• Prof. Dr. Claudia Trepmann (Dean Faculty of Geosciences LMU)
15:30 – 16:00
Prof. Dr. Gudrun Kadereit (Chair of Systematics, Biodiversity and Evolution of Plants LMU):
Plant evolution in arid environments
16:00 – 16:20
Prof. Dr. Christian Wild (Univ. Bremen; Emmy Noether Group Leader 2006-2010):
Reef engineers under rapid environmental change
16:20 – 16:40
Prof. Dr. Richard Butler (Univ. Birmingham; Emmy Noether Group Leader 2011-2013):
New insights into the Triassic rise of dinosaurs and their kin
— Coffee —
17:00 – 17:20
Prof. Dr. Christine Böhmer (Univ. Kiel; Marie- Skłodowska-Curie PostDoctoral Fellow 2020-2021):
Animal athletes - Organismal form and function from an evolutionary perspective
17:20 – 17:40
Dr. Sebastian Höhna (LMU; Emmy Noether Group Leader since 2019, ERC Starting Grantee 2022):
What causes changes in historical biodiversity?
17:40 – 18:00
Dr. Gonzalo Gomez (LMU; Emmy Noether Group Leader since 2022):
Ocean deoxygenation effects on dissolved organic matter sequestration in a changing ocean
18:00 – 18:20
Natalie Barbosa (Project AlpSenseRely):
Development of early warning systems for climate-induced alpine hazards
From 18:30
– Social with food & drinks –