Symposium: 10 Years GeoBio-Center LMU
The GeoBio-Center LMU celebrates its 10th year of foundation this year! We are celebrating this event on Thursday, November 15 with a symposium.
Main lecture hall of the Bavarian State Collection of Zoology (Münchhausenstr. 21, 81247 München, see
Tentative schedule
13.30 Welcome and Opening
13.45 Dr. Jean-Pierre Valet (Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris):"Did Neandertal loose the north?"
14.15 Dr. Richard Butler (GeoBio-CenterLMU):"The Triassic radiation of archosauromorphs, and the beginning of dinosaur-dominated ecosystems"
14.45 Dr. Christoph Mayr (GeoBio-CenterLMU): "Stable isotope research at the GeoBio-Center: From organism to biogeochemical cycles"
15.15 Coffee Break
15.45 Prof. Dr. Andreas Wanninger (Dept. Integrative Zoology, Universität Wien): "Research in the footsteps of Charles Darwin, Berthold Hatschek, and Ernst Haeckel: Evolutionary Developmental Morphology in the 21st century"
16.15 Dr. Renate Matzke-Karasz (GeoBio-CenterLMU):"Research on Ostracoda at the GeoBio-CenterLMU - some past and future highlights"
Looking forward to welcoming you on November 15!