New Advisory Board of the GeoBio-CenterLMU
The new advisory board gathered for its first constitutive meeting on Friday, November 19, 2010 in the Palaeontological Museum Munich to discuss current status and future plans of the GeoBio-CenterLMU. The new advisory board consists of the following members:
- Prof. Dr. Antje Boetius, Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology, Bremen
- Prof. Dr. S. Robbert Gradstein, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris
- Dr. Mona Hoppenrath, DZMB - Senckenberg Research Institute, Wilhelmshaven
- Prof. Dr. Antje Schwalb, Technical University, Braunschweig
- Dr. Jean-Pierre Valet, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris
- Prof. Dr. Andreas Wanninger, Copenhagen University
- Prof. Dr. Georg Zizka, Senckenberg Research Institute, Frankfurt