Environmental Medal of Bavaria for Andreas Fleischmann
GeoBio Center LMU member PD Dr. Andreas Fleischmann received the Environmental Medal of Bavaria.
LMU GeoBio Center member PD Dr. Andreas Fleischmann received the Environmental State Medal of Bavaria yesterday afternoon. During an honorary ceremony in the former Dominican Church in Bamberg, Minister of State Thorsten Glauber presented the award.
Minister of State Thorsten Glauber (left) and Dr. Andreas Fleischmann
As curator for flowering plants at the Botanical State Collection Munich (SNSB-BSM), as lecturer for systematic botany at the LMU and honorary member of the Bavarian Botanical Society, Andreas Fleischmann contributes his broad expertise to environmental protection.
"You provide society with the facts needed to advance environmental protection in Bavaria," said State Minister Thorsten Glauber, explaining the award. "I would particularly like to highlight your successful scientific communication on the environmental topics of biotope destruction and flower strip management and your expert commitment to the environmental policy discussion on species loss, effective species protection and the establishment of biotope bridges."
The Bavarian State Medal for Special Services to the Environment is the highest award that the Bavarian state has to bestow in this field. It is awarded annually by the Bavarian State Minister for the Environment and Consumer Protection to individuals or associations who have rendered outstanding services to nature conservation and environmental protection. This year, eleven people received the medal.
The laudatio for Dr. Fleischmann can be found here.